
Dr. phil. Peter Paul Schnierer
Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen
Seminar für Englische Philologie
Wilhelmstr. 50
D-72074 Tübingen
Tel. +7071-29-72909
Fax +7071-29-4282

Areas of Research

Contemporary Literature, Anglo-Irish Drama, Renaissance Literature, Crime Fiction, African Literature



If the above is a bit too bland for you here are some links that define my interests even better: The Shot That Passed Right Through the Net (the thinking person's football magazine), The Spoonbill Generator (a joint and hospitable poetry effort), The Tübingen Jump Page (a collection of links for the fanatical literary critic), Fortean Times (for those who have no opinion), African Art: Aesthetics and Meaning (an excellent electronic exhibition catalogue) and, of course, the Tübingen Anglo-Irish Theatre Group